Fixed Solution Error Driver Power State Failure Window 10

Understanding and Troubleshooting the Driver Power State Failure Error in Windows 10

Introduction: What is the Driver Power State Failure Error in Windows 10?

The Driver Power State Failure error is a common issue that Windows 10 users may encounter. This error, often referred to as a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) error, occurs when there is a problem with one or more drivers on your computer.

When this error occurs, your system may crash and display a blue screen with an error message. It can be frustrating and disruptive, as it may lead to data loss and prevent you from using your computer usually.

The Driver Power State Failure error typically indicates that there is a conflict between the power state of the driver and the operating system. This can happen when a driver fails to respond correctly or enters an inconsistent power state.

Common causes of this error include outdated or incompatible drivers, hardware issues, or conflicts between different drivers on your system. It is vital to address this issue promptly to ensure the stability and performance of your Windows 10 computer.

Common Causes of Driver Power State Failure Error

The Driver Power State Failure error is a common issue that many computer users encounter. This error typically occurs when there is a problem with the drivers installed on the system. Understanding the common causes of this error can help in troubleshooting and resolving the issue effectively.

One of the primary causes of the Driver Power State Failure error is outdated drivers. When drivers become outdated, they may not be compatible with the latest updates or changes in the operating system, leading to conflicts and errors.

Incompatible hardware or software can also trigger this error. If a new hardware component or software application is installed that is not compatible with existing drivers or power settings, it can result in driver conflicts and ultimately lead to the Driver Power State Failure error.

Power settings issues can also contribute to this error. Incorrect power settings, such as putting a device into sleep mode while it is still actively using specific drivers, can cause conflicts and trigger the error message.

Driver conflicts are another common cause of this error. When multiple drivers are trying to access or control a specific hardware component simultaneously, conflicts arise, resulting in system instability and triggering the Driver Power State Failure error.

How to Fix Power State Failure Error

“Driver State Power Failure” is a common error message in Windows operating systems that often occurs due to issues with drivers, hardware, or power settings. Here are some steps you can take to fix this issue:



1. Restart your Computer: Sometimes a simple restart can resolve temporary issues. If the error persists, move on to the next steps.

2. Update Drivers:
– Graphics Drivers: Outdated or incompatible graphics drivers can trigger this error. Visit the website of your graphics card manufacturer (NVIDIA, AMD, Intel) to download and install the latest drivers.
– Other Drivers: Make sure all your drivers, especially chipset, network, and storage drivers, are up to date. You can either visit the manufacturer’s website for your specific hardware or use Windows Update to check for driver updates.

3. Check for Windows Updates: Make sure your Windows operating system is up to date. Sometimes, Microsoft releases updates that fix compatibility issues and bugs.

4. Power Management Settings
– Disable Fast Startup: Fast Startup can sometimes cause issues. Disable it by going to Control Panel > Power Options > Choose what the power buttons do > Change settings that are currently unavailable > Uncheck “Turn on fast startup”.
– Power Plan Settings: Make sure your power plan settings are not causing conflicts. Set your power plan to Balanced or High Performance and configure its advanced settings.

5. Check Hardware:
– Memory (RAM): Faulty RAM can cause various issues, including driver-related errors. Run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to check for memory problems.
– Storage: Run a disk check to ensure your hard drive is not causing any issues.

6. System File Checker (SFC) and DISM:
– Open Command Prompt as an administrator and run the following commands one by one:

– These commands will scan and repair system files and image health issues.

7. Check Event Viewer:
– Open the Event Viewer (you can search for it in the Windows search bar).
– Look for error messages related to the “Driver State Power Failure” issue. This can give you more details about which drivers or components are causing the problem.

8. System Restore:
– If the issue started recently, you might consider using System Restore to revert your system to a point before the problem occurred.

9. Update BIOS:
– If all else fails, updating your computer’s BIOS might help. Be cautious when updating BIOS as improper updates can lead to serious issues. Follow your manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

If you’re uncomfortable performing these steps yourself, consider seeking help from a knowledgeable friend or a professional. It’s also a good idea to back up your important data before making any major changes to your system.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Driver Power State Failure Error:

Q: How can I prevent the Driver Power State Failure error from occurring again?

A: Updating drivers regularly and avoiding incompatible hardware or software can help prevent this error.


Q: Can a faulty power supply cause the Driver Power State Failure error?

A: Yes, a faulty power supply can sometimes lead to this error. It’s recommended to check your power supply as well.


Q: Is there any specific driver that commonly causes this error?

A: While any driver can potentially cause the issue, graphics card drivers are often found to be the culprit.

Conclusion: Resolving the Driver Power State Failure Error in Windows 10

In conclusion, the Driver Power State Failure error in Windows 10 can be a frustrating issue to encounter. However, by following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve this error.

Firstly, it is crucial to update your device drivers regularly. Outdated or incompatible drivers can often lead to system errors such as the Driver Power State Failure. By visiting the manufacturer’s website or using driver update software, you can ensure that your drivers are up to date.

Additionally, turning off power-saving features for specific devices may help prevent this error from occurring. This can be done by accessing the Device Manager and modifying power settings for specific hardware components.

Furthermore, performing a clean boot of your system can help identify any conflicting programs or services that may be causing the error. By selectively enabling startup items and services one by one, you can pinpoint the source of the issue and take appropriate action.

If all else fails, restoring your system to a previous restore point or performing a system reset may be necessary. These options allow you to revert any recent changes that may have triggered the Driver Power State Failure error.

Remember to always create backups of important files before making any significant changes to your system.